None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
In 1913 the congress of the United States passed what is known as the Federal Reserve Act. This act was signed into law by president Woodrow Wilson, and its purpose was to grant authority to a central banking system to print and issue legal tender, regulate the economy (broadly speaking), and provide financial services to banks, the US government, and foreign institutions.
Prior to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the United States had no central banking system. Before 1913, monetary policy, while often flawed, still presented mechanisms for issuing loans and distributing wealth and money that were for the most part, anchored in tangible, real assets, such as gold. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was in fact not the first time the United States had tried using a centralized banking system. Attempts were made during the Washington administration, prior to the Constitutional convention of 1787, to centralize the banking and monetary policies for the United States, and then again a centralized banking system was implemented from 1791 to 1811, ending with president Madison's refusal to renew the charter. Then, between 1816 and 1836, yet another manifestation of a centralized banking system was employed, and then eradicated in similar fashion by president Andrew Jackson. In his veto statement, president Jackson eerily predicted the following:
"The entire control of the institution would necessarily fall into the hands of a few citizen stockholders, and the ease with which the object would be accomplished would be a temptation to designing men to secure that control in their own hands by monopolizing the remaining stock. There is danger that a president and directors would then be able to elect themselves from year to year, and without responsibility or control manage the whole concerns of the bank during the existence of its charter. It is easy to conceive that great evils to our country and its institutions might flow from such a concentration of power in the hands of a few men irresponsible to the people...
...Is there no danger to our liberty and independence in a bank that in its nature has so little to bind it to our country? The president of the bank has told us that most of the State banks exist by its forbearance. Should its influence become concentered, as it may under the operation of such an act as this, in the hands of a self-elected directory whose interests are identified with those of the foreign stockholders, will there not be cause to tremble for the purity of our elections in peace and for the independence of our country in war?" [emphasis is the author's]
...and this is precisely what has been happening since 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act was passed.
Not surprisingly, the architects of the Fed were in fact powerful commercial bankers with obscene lobbying and political influence.
Look up the astonishing and quite public historical record of one Nelson W. Aldrich, United States Senator from Rhode Island, leader of the Republican party during the early 20th century, architect of the federal income tax amendment and visionary of the Federal Reserve Act. Senator Aldrich indeed had very close ties to powerful commercial bankers such as J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller.
In (jaw-dropping) fact, Aldrich's daughter married the son of John D. Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Aldrich and Rockefeller Sr.'s grandson, Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller (I mean...are you kidding me?!), was the Vice President of the United States of America under Republican President Gerald Ford.
The economic and legislative influence of Senator Aldrich is but one clear example of an increasing culture of political/corporate incest in the United States power structures throughout this era. It is viewed by an increasing number of us as an example illustrating the establishment of a loosely governed, corporate-central oligarchy.
Others may view these historical circumstances as what for all intents and purposes were the beginnings of an aggressive "economic coup d'état". We are hard-pressed to find any distinguishable difference, either way.
Regardless, what is more than apparent is that the Fox is undoubtedly guarding the hen-house.
Andrew Jackson's warnings have been so hauntingly and so fully realized, that one may actually guess as to whether or not his veto statement unintentionally became a sort of an ironic, historical blueprint for the imminent and eventual takeover.
Since the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913, the dollar has lost over 96% of its value, or buying power. This is because the Federal Reserve and its function is an inherently inflationary mechanism.
We view such central banking cartels as systems clearly implemented to ensure the scarcity the world's resources. When resources are scarce, they are valuable, and precisely as Jackson warned, the wealth of the world is today managed and passed between the hands of a very few. It is bewildering to listen to capitalist apologists describe the Fed's function. They frequently use the analogy of the Fed as some kind of economic "water faucet", increasing and decreasing a sort of financial valve. It's amazing how appropriate and accurate that analogy actually is. It's a tremendous insight, really.
Here is an excellent summary of how the Federal Reserve and huge banking corporations swindle us and keep all of us within their grip. We urge every part of our audience to watch this:
What's so bewildering about it is that despite the fact they seem to understand that the banking behemoths are very much opening and closing the valves of economic resources at their whim (and with less and less incentive to widen that valve), they for unfathomable reasons support this system, by and large. And systems such as the Fed and its function of controlled scarcity regulates global demand, and demand, as a result of a capitalist free enterprise system, creates debt...and debt, is what turns the gears of the whole fucking thing.
Another word for debt is "slavery", and this is an appropriate comparison of terms because it is debt that creates mammoth, consolidated industries that otherwise would have no need to exist, employs millions, and keeps millions chained to their cubicles, steadfastly performing the labor demanded by their masters.
The ongoing marriage between this corporate empire and the functions of the US government are apparent in both circumstance and in personnel. The CEO's of the nation's largest businesses, particularly in banking and finance, move through a revolving door of government positions and appointments and back into the private sector, with each instance strengthening and ensuring the oligarchy that the people endure, seemingly without batting an eyelash.
We advocate, first and foremost, for the people to truly begin accessing the information that is readily available in which the details of these unfortunate circumstances are plotted.
We have found that when the economic history of the United States is thoroughly researched, what you discover, particularly throughout the 20th and early 21st centuries, is that our government has become less and less a government "for the People by the People", and has increasingly become a government "for the Kennedys, Bush's, Rockefellers, JP Morgans, Paulsons, Clintons, Citibanks, AIG's, Chases, Wall Street Elites and Reagans, FOR the Kennedys, Bush's, Rockefellers, JP Morgans, Paulsons, Clintons, Citibanks, Merrill Lynches, AIG's, Chases, Wall Street Elites and Reagans."
In what essentially amounts to the representatives of little more than 1% of the population, we have seen quite clearly that their opinion of us is one of contempt. To them we are little more than figures of labor and the driving investors behind the 85% slice of the "wealth pie", in which they arrogantly and unabashedly will never, ever share with any of us...
Expropriate their wealth! If you have a bank account with Citibank, Wells Fargo, Bank of America or Morgan/Chase CLOSE THE ACCOUNT and open an account elsewhere (if you must have a bank account). If your home is financed by any of these conglomerates, re-finance. Boycott to the best of your ability funds or wealth that goes to these entities.
Additionally, if you consume network news of any kind, from MSNBC to Fox, STOP! You have in front of you at this very moment a portal to nearly every shred of information in the world. Disconnect from the gate-kept, corporate propaganda distributed by these very forces and independently discover and verify this information on your own. Take ownership and responsibility of the information you consume. This is impossible if you are a disciple of Fox News, CNN or MSNBC, for each of these "news" outlets are mere henchmen to the forces that hold all of us, and to a large extent the world, in their well designed, intentional and greedily established slavery...
And finally, at all costs, protect the freedom of information that can be attained via the Internet. Powerful forces such as in every way described above are as you read this contemplating how to limit your access to the Internet and the wealth of information it provides. Protect this free flow of information and access to the globe's full story above all. It is essential that we keep unlimited access to the Internet and the information that it can provide.
-Green Army Faction, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
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