1. deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage.
For 30 years or so, the citizenry of the United States of America has endured a major deceit, a breach of confidence that has been perpetrated for profit and to gain an array of economic unfair and dishonest advantages.
As a result, and this is ongoing, the citizens of the United States, as well as millions of people world-wide, have suffered an extraordinary collapse of the globe's financial stability and has witnessed an unprecedented economic down-trend. Millions have lost jobs. Millions have been impoverished. The global gap between the wealthy and the poor has been exponentially widened.
There are forces that are entirely responsible for having in fact committed the greatest and most globally harmful human tragedies since the mid 20th century. And those responsible, what they did and how they did it, is all astonishingly, a matter of historical, undisputed, and verifiable record.
While the "middle classes" of the people of the world, from an international perspective, have been noticeably and empirically dissolved over the last three to six decades, either by banking, clandestine or military 2008, the unabashed and arrogant parasitism behind all of it had finally extended into the wallets and into the pocketbooks of ordinary American citizens.
By 2008, the last year of the Bush II presidency, the wealth and resources of the world had been egregiously concentrated from an already unsustainable pocket of the few to an even less sustainable percentage of the world's population. This fact has exasperated and fueled the fire of global popular outrage. Millions, perhaps billions, across the planet began to stand with determined resentment and cast blame upon those that have exacted this crime.
While movements that seem to have found their way into the popular conscience such as what is known by some as the "Tea Party" movement are entirely warranted...the outrage expressed by such regimes has proven to be entirely, factually, and often comically misguided.
Unfortunately and perhaps tragically, the very institutions that have warranted such outrage by the USA citizenry have without question co-opted and commercialized their anger. They have succeeded in convincing masses of citizens that the entity responsible for their suffering and misfortune, the culprit behind their stagnant wages, their steadily more hazerdous and hostile work environments, the lay-offs, and the shrinking power of their dollar is all because of the New Scary Black President who was Born in Kenya and sent from an Alien Terrorist Regime from the Communist Red Planet of Socialism.
These characterizations are of course, entirely preposterous. But they serve a purpose. It's an embarrassing indictment to the integrity of the human ability to think critically, but it nonetheless is the burning coal that churns the inferno of deceit and fraud.
Barack Obama is a fantastic marionette, and has really not done much since inaugurated but to in every substantial way support the status quo.
When viewing the Obama presidency through a prism of intellectual courage and honesty, it's difficult to cite any tangible policy or ideological shifting or change that has taken place at the presidential hands of Obama vs. Bush, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, or Truman. With the possible exception of Jimmy Carter, each of these "Leaders of the Free World", have been instruments and tools, to one degree or another, used by the ever growing and consolidated grip of a corporate empire.
What? What are the differences? Have the policies of Obama's presidency eradicated the two wars of aggression in Afghanistan or Iraq? Has the 'Patriot' Act been over turned? Have we stopped extraordinary rendition and torture? Is GITMO still open for 'business'? Have entities such as AIG, Goldman-Sachs, Citi-Travellers and the Federal Reserve, these entities that have criminally robbed the entire fucking planet, have they been held accountable for the crimes they have committed or the global suffering they have cultivated ? No, they haven't... in fact they were 'Bailed Out'.
In fact, an entire generation of US citizens has by now been subjected to a contrived lifestyle that inherently demands they mortgage their entire lives...and in turn indenture way of a long-spun and corrupt spider's web of banking credit schemes. All three branches of the US government have been and remain purchased and culpable, along with much of the US system of higher education, mega-corporations, mega-churches...and perhaps worst of all...a corporate driven, consumer culture in which a bizarre social imperative is placed on one's ability to match commercial peacock feathers with the likes of fictional, neatly packaged hour-long advertisements such as Tony Soprano and Carrie Bradshaw.
...and there is no "American" reason that you shouldn't be able to match that coveted identity.
Tracks of McMansions were built...quickly, shittily and profitably. The value of the homes in huge swaths were, however, less than worthy, and as a disturbing percentage of the people in the United States became unemployed, and were faced with an 'adjustable mortgage rate', student loan payments, credit card charges, cell phone bills and HBO...those that have been playing "Wall Street Casino" with what has ultimately turned out to be OUR tax dollars decided to cash in their chips.
A number of 'toxic loans' were possible and were the direct circumstance of financial de-regulation. The disaster was in fact a direct and verifiable result of allowing various lenders to invest in risky and low-percentage yield prospects. It allowed for an honest loan to be sold many times over and ending up in the back pockets of predatory individuals. These individuals, ultimately, viewed betting against US citizens of all stripes as (potentially, but they can bet on that, too...) more profitable than counting on a mortgage, loan or a credit card payment.
Of course, the reason it became more profitable for Wall Street to count on disclosers and bankruptcies and repossessions is because they were allowed, legally, as a direct result of the feverish dismanteling of any kind of regulation, to make exotic bets on the value of, well, everything...because they were insured by companies such as AIG, and AIG became insolvent.
What it was, in fact, was the largest global Ponzi Scheme in the history of the world. De-regulation allowed for the prestige allocation of credit ratings, AAA in many cases, to be plastered onto institutions that were criminally broke, had no assets to back their risky investments, and this was largely because the people they promised loans to were (from the start) unable to keep up with their payments...especially after the rate is hiked by 30-90%...
Wall Street found themselves, in early to late 2008, being in the hole on their bets to the tune of 700 billion+. In the past, this was something that could never happen because local banks and financial institutions weren't allowed, due to regulation, to take the capital of their clients and literally "bet" on derivative and exotic market trends that end up benefiting, either way it goes, to parasitic capitalists.
Tea-Party members are absolutely and in every way justified to cast outrage toward Barack Obama. We join them in their dissatisfaction regarding his policies, legislation, and perpetuation of the status quo. We stand in solidarity with them in their movement, passion and committment. However; the reason we salute their outrage is not because of any absurd and entirely dismissable idea that "the entity responsible for their suffering and misfortune is the New Scary Black President who was Born in Kenya and sent from an Alien Terrorist Regime from the Communist Red Planet of Socialism." Our outrage stems from Obama's apparent commitment to maintaining and funding an unacceptable status quo.
We believe a beginning is respecting the American's right NOT to vote. By participating in this detrimental excercise, you are supporting corruption, despite which side of the two-aisle swamp you think you support. We must recognize that in the United States, even from the most local and insignificant political positions, each level of governance is gate-kept by corporate sentinals, and the higher one ranks in this nation politically, the more vetted one is by a round-table of business-banker-financial industry-profit-usurpers.
Stop the vote. There are other ways. Stop participating in an inheretly corrupt system of governance. Stop believing the lie that one side of the aisle in any way has different interests than the other. We can move beyond that, we have what it takes to have a different way of living our lives. A choice exists, it is simply up to us to make it.
-Green Army Faction, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
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